
Hackerspace and creative freedom in the Feldberger Seenlandschaft.


Who are we?

We are a small group of friends who won the machen2023 competition. With the prize money of 5000 euros, we aim to create a hackerspace in the Feldberg Lake District and implement exciting projects there.

We are named:
Christin and Christoph
Anne and Niklas .


What do we intend to do?

Our goal is to create a hackerspace that serves as a place for creative creation and collaborative exploration.

Here, we not only want to tinker, solder, and program, but also collectively research and develop ideas. Our focus is on creating, conveying, and exchanging knowledge.

We believe in the power of collective learning and aim to bring together people of different backgrounds and interests. Our hackerspace should be a place of inspiration, exchange, and mutual support, where innovation and collaboration can flourish.

We have collected various ideas and research projects for experiments, lectures, and workshops.


Our Principles: Hacker Ethics

Where do we want to start?

In the youth club and community center “JURI” in Feldberg, there is a wonderful space available that needs to be developed and revitalized.

What’s the Timeline?

We plan to start the expansion of the space in March and then gradually realize our projects. Alongside, we would like to invite all people from the surrounding area to join us for discussions on technology, science, and society.

What else is happening at feldberg.space?

Come by or write to us.


Hackerspace & creative freedom in the region Feldberger Seenlandschaft.